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You Tube is a great for practising your English
Here are examples of good science channels on You Tube. They all contain short vides with subtitles - perfect for English practice!
Vsauce has videos about various scientific and philosophical subjects, as well as technology, culture and other subjects. It
is very popular - some of its videos have millions of views and it has won
awards. The videos vary in length, usually 3-15 minutes, although some are much longer.
Another popular sites is Veristasium, which has science and engineering videos with experiments, expert interviews, demonstrations and discussions with the general public. The videos are between 2 and 12 minutes long.
Smarter Every Day features experiments and demonstrations about science.
Unlike the previous three American channels, In a Nutshell - kurzgesagt is in British English. It has a new animation every month. ''We are a team of designers, journalists and musicians who want to make science look beautiful. Because it is beautiful.''
Periodic tables calls itself ''the ultimate channel for all things chemistry''. It features a video about each chemical element as well as ''other stuff from the world of chemistry''.
Minute physics uses time-lapse videos to try to explain physics-related subjects in a short time.
Scishow discusses science news, history and concepts.
Crash course teaches many subjects, including biology, ecology,and chemistry, as well as history, literature, politics, etc.
The Khan Academy offers many subjects and aims to provide ''a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere''.