The essence of training is to allow error without consequence.
Orson Scott Card, 1991
We run week-long as well as shorter courses for countryside and environmental professionals who want to improve their English. Please see the photos on the right of this page for examples.
Future courses:
Orson Scott Card, 1991
We run week-long as well as shorter courses for countryside and environmental professionals who want to improve their English. Please see the photos on the right of this page for examples.
Future courses:
English for Rangers,
Nature Conservation Agency of the Czech Republic, Czechia.
An internal course for staff from Litovelské pomoraví and Beskydy Protected Landscape Areas.
14-16 May 2020
English for Rangers and guides, Prespa National Park, Albania
An internal course for members of protected areas in Albania.
3-9 March 2021
English for Environmentalists: International Academy for Nature Conservation, Isle of Vilm, Germany
An internal course for staff from Litovelské pomoraví and Beskydy Protected Landscape Areas.
14-16 May 2020
English for Rangers and guides, Prespa National Park, Albania
An internal course for members of protected areas in Albania.
3-9 March 2021
English for Environmentalists: International Academy for Nature Conservation, Isle of Vilm, Germany
Previous courses:
7-12 July 2019 English for Environmentalists: BfN Vilm, GermanyOur popular course for the BfN on the Isle of Vilm.
9-11 May 2019 Environmental English workshop: Hohe Tauern National Park, Austria
''The very best English course ever!''
5-7 April 2019 English for Tour Guidesworkshop: Rila Monestary Nature Park, Romania
''Thank you very much for the professional and enthusiastic style of your English course!''
21-23 March 2019 Environmental English Course: AOPK Litovelske Pomoravi PLA, Czechia
21-25 January 2019 English for Rangers and Guides: Naturwacht Brandenburg Eberswalde, Germany. A course specifically for the Brandenburg rangers.
''Thank you for the helpful English Course and the friendly working atmosphere.''
15-17 October 2018 English course for National Park staff: Jasmund National Park, Germany
5-7-April 2018 English for Environmentalists: SEVER Horni Marsov, Czechia
28 - 22 Sep 2017 English for Environmentalists: LANU, Dresden, Germany
A welcome return to Saxony for a five-day course.
''Thank you for the great English course''
''Thanks for the instructive and also entertaining course, the materials and photos''
20 - 22 Mar 2017 English for Environmentalists: BfN Bonn, Germany
A new course for the staff at BfN headquarters.
''Nochmals vielen Dank für die sehr gute Durchführung des Kurses''
6-8 March 2017 English for Environmental communication - renewable energies and wind technology: NNA, Cuxhaven, Germany
''Thanks for the fun and useful three days!''
28 Feb -4 Mar 2017 English for Environmentalists: BfN Vilm, Germany
Our popular course for the BfN on the Isle of Vilm.
''The students seem to be very happy with you and the entire course''
12-17 June 2016 English for Environmentalists: NNA, Schneverdingen, Germany
Our popular course for the NNA and BfN at Camp Reinsehlen.
''Thanks for a very nice and professional week again!''
14-18 March 2016 English for Environmentalists: Kalkalpen National Park, Austria
''Thank you so much for the interesting Env English course, we learned a lot...''
15-20 June 2015 English for Environmentalists: BfN Vilm, Germany
''All of us had a week full of fun. You are an incredibly good teacher: powerful and your humour is great!''
12-17 July 2015 English for Environmentalists: Niederösterreichische Naturschutzakadamie, Stockerau, Austria
''Thank you for a very nice week. I am sure we will repeat such a course...''
6-10 October 2014 English for Environmentalists Bayerische Akademie für Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege:
''Thank you for your dedicated and sensitive work, everyone was very satisfied''
7-14 August 2013 English for Environmentalists: Juniper Hall Field Studies Centre:
''Thank you for the wonderful week''
''I spent a good time with you and our fantastic English teacher.''
''Thank for such energy all week!''
26-30 August 2013 English for Environmentalists: Saxony Regional Conservation Foundation:
''...your positive and encouraging spirit helped.''
Kalkalpen National Park, Austria
Gesaeuse National Park, Austria
Hohe Tauern National Park, Austria
Saxon Regional Conservation Foundation – Sächsische Landesstiftung Natur und Umwelt
Wadden Sea National Park
Norwegian Directorate for Nature Management
Faculty of Forest, Geo and Hydro Sciences, Technical University of Dresden
German Federal Nature Conservation Agency (BfN)
Peak District National Park
Alfred Toepfer Academy for Nature Conservation (NNA)
Palacky University, Olomouc, Czech Republic
Bayerische Akademie für Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege (ANL)
Stiftung NaturSchutzFonds Brandenburg
T.G. Masaryk Water Research Institute, Prague
Niedersächsischer Landesbetrieb für Wasserwirtschaft, Küsten- und Naturschutz (NLWKN)
Dresden Groundwater Research Institute (DGFZ)
If you are interested in attending an English course or would like one for your organisation, please contact us at: