
Welcome! This site is for students to practice their English and keep up to date with environmental issues.

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''Let nature be your teacher''
William Wordsworth, poet, 1770-1850

''Joy in looking and comprehending is nature's most beautiful gift''
Albert Einstein, physicist, 1879-1955

''... to find the word, or words, by which [an] idea may be most fitly and aptly expressed''
P.M. Roget, lexicographer, 1779-1869

Monday 25 November 2019

Could Victoria Falls dry up?

Level: Intermediate / B1

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The Victoria Falls is the biggest waterfall in the world. But it is under threat from drought and climate change.
Watch this short video (4 minutes) about it and answer the following questions, which focus on numbers.

1) How high is the Falls?
2) How wide are the Falls?
3) According to Mr Moyo, how much water passes through the Falls on average?
4) How much was it this year (2019)?
5) How many of its electricity does Zimbabwe get from Kariba hydro power station?

Bonus question - when was Victoria Falls/Mosi-oa-Tunya designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site? (You will have to do a bit of extra research for this one!)

Answers below!

1) More than 100m (108m)
2) More than 1km (1.7km)
3) 2,000 cubic metres per second
4) 1,200 cubic metres per second
5) 60%

Bonus question - 1989

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